Monday, February 25, 2019

Hey Bethany Community,
This upcoming Wednesday we will be having “Yumm” bowls.  The Culver’s will provide chicken, sliced avacados and Yumm sauce.  We will also need the following:
Brown rice
Black beans
Shredded cheddar cheese
Diced tomatoes
Sliced black olives
If anyone also wants to bring a dessert and/or beverages that would be great too.  We will meet at the Roth’s home at 6:30 pm.  Please take some time between now and Wednesday to review the sermon notes and discussion questions found on the church’s website.  I find it edifying to hear how the week’s message spoke to each of us.  We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of days!!!  Until then, keep lifting one another up in prayer!

1 comment:

  1. Cassandra is stuck at the coast with Atlas. I’ll be there tonight and can bring shredded cheese and olives.
