Monday, May 18, 2015

May 20th

Howdy- Hope y'all are having a great week. Sorry for the late post.

We will be back at Al and Paula's house, normal time (6:30). And let's do Asian food theme. Katy and I will bring egg rolls. Please sign up in the comments to let us know if you'll make it and what you can bring.

See you guys there!


  1. Cubillas family will make mandarin orange chicken & spring rolls

  2. Mmmm, spring rolls! McLean's not sure. Probably some rice and a salad. Sorry. I will update as soon as I figure it out.

  3. I hope to make it, but I might have to work late. I will bring some fortune cookies if I can come

  4. I'm making a raw purple cabbage salad with a peanut like dressing (using cashew, almond or tahini) and asian beef meatballs.

  5. I will bring rice and dessert

  6. Hey all- change of plans for the Petersons tonight. We will no be able to make it after all. We just have too much to get done before our move on Saturday. We will miss you and we hope you have a great night!
